The Tower of Babel


       After the great flood, Noah and his sons farmed the land and planted vines. They had children, and their children had children. Soon there were so many people that some families had to move away to find fresh grass for their animals to graze.
       But still they all spoke the same simple language and everyone could understand one another. It was easy for them to plan and work together. 
      Some of them settled in the plains of Babylonia. They learnt to make bricks and bake them hard to make them strong. They discovered how to use tar to hold them  together. Now they could really build!
      One day someone said, 'Let's build ourselves a city. And let's make a great tower, the tallest has ever been built. Then we'll be famous.' Everyone agreed that this was a good idea, and soon they were all hard at work. They began to build the Tower of Babel.
      God watched them at work. He saw the walls growing higher and higher. He saw the people getting bigger and bigger ideas. And he knew that this would lead to trouble. They were beginning to think they were gods.
      So God did not wait till the tower was finished. If people spoke different languages they would not be able to understand one another. It would be more difficult to work together. So God mixed up their languages and scattered the people to different parts of the world.
      North, south, east and west they went. Some settled on the coasts and islands at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea. Some made their homes in Egypt and Africa. Others went to Assyria and Arabia.
      The families descended from Noah grew into great nations, each in its own country. And every nation spoke a different language. Never again were they able to work and plan together so easily. And whenever people talked of the great Tower of Babel, they remembered how they had come to speak a 'babble' of different languages.


Lydia Here said...

Yes.. People start thinking about flood. And they decide to build this one. They thought when they built the building higher they can escape from the flood, If the flood comes again.. By this way they started challenging our Almighty by their own strength.. But its absolutely wrong.

Great Job Solomon.. Keep on posting.

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