Isaac: the test


        When God had called Abraham to leave Ur, he promised to make him the father of a great nation. He promised Abraham a son and so many descendants they would be as hard to count as the stars in the sky.
        Through the long years of waiting , night after night, Abraham looked up at the stars and remembered both old and had almost given up hope, Isaac was born. When Sarah looked at her baby son she was so happy that she laughed for joy.
        The years passed and Isaac grew tall and strong. Then God decided to test Abraham. 'Abraham,' he said , 'I want you to take Isaac, your only son, whom you love so much, to the land of Moriah and offer him to me as a sacrifice.'
       Abraham could hardly believe these cruel words. Could God really want him to kill his son, after all God's promises? But Abraham had learnt always to trust God and obey him, so early next morning they set off. Isaac carried the wood, and Abraham had a knife.
      They travelled for three days. Abraham could not bear to think of what he had to do when the journey was over. But he said nothing about it to Isaac. They were nearly at the place when Isaac said,
      'Father, we have the wood and fire to offer God a sacrifice, but where is the lamb?'
      Abraham  swallowed hard. Then he said,'God will provide the lamb.' But when they reached the place and altar was built, and the wood piled on top, Abraham tied Isaac's hands and laid him on top. He raised the knife to kill his son..

      But just at that moment God called out to him: 'Abraham! Stop! Don't touch the boy. I know now how much you trust me. I know you will obey, whatever I ask. Look in the bushes. You will find a ram caught by its horns. Sacrifice that.'
      So Abraham freed his trembling son. Thankfully, joyfully, they killed the ram and roasted it  on the altar. And God repeated all his wonderful promises of blessing, because when Abraham was put to the test he obeyed God.


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